Feedstocks for Biogas

  Find videos on feedstocks at the Farm Energy Media archive.

  Find images of feedstocks at the Farm Energy Media archive.

Anaerobic digestion of manure and other feedstocks produces biogas which can be burner to make energy on farms. Learn how to evaluate a feedstock and which ones to exclude for biogas production.

Anaerobic Digester in Charlotte, VT.  Photo: Caragh Fitzgerald, University of Maine.


Growing Hazelnuts for Biofuel Production

Want to know why the hazelnut or filbert and its hybrids have potential as as oil crop? This article provide information about production, yields and challenges of growing hazelnuts for biofuels.

September harvest of European hazelnuts in New Jersey. Photo: Thomas Molnar.



Hazelnuts, also known as filberts (Corylus spp.), are a perennial tree crop …

Methoxide Catalysts in Biodiesel Production

The methoxide ion, OCH3, is the active catalyst for the production of methyl esters. It is this chemical unit that attacks the triglyceride molecules and produces the methyl esters. It is regenerated at the end of each reaction step when a hydrogen ion is stripped from a nearby methanol molecule.

If ethanol is being used, then the corresponding catalyst is called ethoxide, OCH2CH3.

Most small producers create the methoxide ions needed for …

Life Cycle Analysis for Biofuels

US energy consumption as of October 2013.
US energy consumption as of October 2013. Photo: Delphi234; Wikimedia Commons.

US energy consumption as of October 2013. Photo: Delphi234; Wikimedia Commons.

Explore life cycle analysis to gauge biofuels’ benefits.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis

Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a tool used to account for inputs and outputs to complex systems. In essence, it is …

BQ-9000 Program for Biodiesel Producers


BQ-9000 is a voluntary quality assurance program created by the National Biodiesel Board. For details, visit the National Biodiesel Accreditation Program BQ-9000 program

The BQ-9000 program certifies biodiesel producers, marketers, and testing labs. The BQ-9000 program starts with the ASTM D6751 standard for biodiesel and adds a quality systems program to make sure biodiesel is sampled, tested, stored, blended, shipped, and distributed in a way that maintains high quality.

The incentive for a producer or a marketer to become …

Biodiesel Cloud Point and Cold Weather Issues

Table Of Contents


In the northern parts of the United States and other cold regions of the world, one of the major concerns among biodiesel users is its unfavorable cold flow properties. In cold climates, it can be a …

Energy in Soybean Crushing and Transesterification

Table Of Contents


Several studies have been done on energy life cycle analysis of soybean biodiesel. These include:

Handling Alcohols in Biodiesel Production

Methanol and Ethanol

Methanol is the driving force behind the transesterification reaction. Methanol is colorless and tasteless, with a mildly sweet odor, and is a toxic chemical. It can enter the body through inhalation, direct skin contact, or accidental swallowing. It can cause blindness or death. Because it is eliminated from the body slowly, it is considered a cumulative poison, and repeated exposure could present long-term health hazards.

Personnel working with methanol should wear protective clothing (pants, long sleeves, coveralls) …

Introduction to Biogas and Anaerobic Digestion

Harnessing energy from livestock waste.

Intro | Feedstocks | Processing | Utilization

On-farm biogas production has long been a topic of interest for farmers, with historical records of biogas production going back several hundreds of years. In modern livestock production systems, for example, the benefits of producing biogas are significant and include:

  • provision of supplemental renewable energy
  • odor reduction
  • reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases
  • pathogen control
  • waste biostabilization
  • nutrients are preserved and transformed into plant-available forms

The economics of …

Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Conservation on the Farm

Energy efficiency and conservation are integral to sustainable agriculture. Efficiency means increasing the work or yield per unit of energy; conservation means reducing total energy usage

Fuel and electricity use on farms is just as important to sustainability and energy savings, as use of soil and water. Energy efficiency is an integral part of sustainable agriculture. While U.S. farms have almost doubled their average energy efficiency over the past 25 years, most farms still have good opportunities to save energy …